Smooth Standard Dachshund


Lively & intelligent, courageous & adaptable , comedian & individualist, Dachshunds are hardy, vigorous, and tireless breed. They make affectionate and responsive companions, even tempered & eager to please the owner.

Height:   8 - 9 inches.

Weight:   over 11 pounds.

Coat type:   Thick, close-fitting coat of hair.

Maintenance:   Minimal. Occasinal brushing the coat and wiping it clean with a damp cloth are sufficient.

Living Conditions:   An apartment that can be reached by elevator is perfect for a Dachshund. They are fairly active indoors, but should also get outdoor exercise regularly.


Dachshund originated in Germany as far ago as 16th century. The breed was developed from long-legged dachshund like breeds of hounds used fro hunting. Originally the breed’s only purpose was hunting badgers and hares. However today it is mostly bred as a family pet and only few European countries still use Dachshunds as hunting breed.


The Dachshunds are bold, curious, and always up for adventure. They like to hunt and dig, tracking by sent and going to ground after game. As independent as they are, Dachshunda are able to entertain themselves for hours… and yet they love to be by your side and will happily join the family’s activities whenever given a chance.. Entertaining and humorous characters, these breed have often been used as circus dogs. Most Dachshunds are sweet and thrive on praise and affection. They are good with children of its own family as well as with elderly people. Most Dachshunds are reserved with strangers. As guard dogs they are alert and protective. Some bark.

The following information has been compiled after research and reference
to various sources with some additions made by myself based on experience.