A few words in defense of Russian dogs
and their quality.

It is apparent that a lot of people in the UAE have apprehensions and some pre-conceived notions about the Russian dogs, just as they have about the country itself. However, I dedicate this site just to prove that despite all the political and economic turmoil in Russia, dog breeding and showing is one aspect of Russian life style which has always maintained the highest and stringent standards as any other country and in my opinion even better.

For example the dogs that we bring into the UAE have been hand picked from dog breeders who are registered with genuine Kennel clubs and ethics and regulations of such clubs do not permit breeding of unhealthy or adulterated breeds of dogs. Every male and female of large breeds go through an x-ray in order to eliminate the possibility of Hip-Dysplasia and are not permitted to breed earlier than 1.5 - 2 years of age.

As Russian dogs being exported to European and other countries, the business has flourished. Confident and known breeders demand top US $ for their puppies.

I have made a sincere effort to attach several links to good Russian sites (at the bottom of the page) where you may get an idea of Russian standards of shows and quality of dogs that we breed. I hope you will visit these sites, and am sure that you will agree with my comments.

As for the age...

Many people argue with me on the age of the puppy. In Russia it’s widely believed to remove a puppy from the mother at 5-8 weeks of age. This is not a money scheme. The reason behind it, as the experts advise, is to minimise the stress of separation of puppy from the mother and the litter mates. As the pup grows older it bonds stronger to its canine family and separation becomes very traumatic for both dogs.

If you do see a Russian puppy being offered for sale that is older then 3 months old, be careful! The dog is likely to have some problem that might not be noticeable to you, but which explain the reason the pup was not sold earlier. In Russia dogs are sold out very quickly, as Russians adore dogs and almost every family owns one or two dogs.


Be aware of dog money-makers in UAE, they do not know much about the pups they are selling, sometime they don’t even know the proper name for the breed.

Many times I have seen reputed pet shops offering dogs for sale that were mixed breeds, had disqualifing colors or major health defects. Do not be fooled by high prices, expensive puppy is not guaranteed to be perfect and in good health.

Before you buy any puppy anywhere, please ask few questions similar to

- where did the puppy come from?
- has it been vaccinated and if not, why not?
- has the dog been checked by a UAE vet and which veterinary clinic?
- does it have the proper pedigree papers?
- when was the puppy born?
- when was it brought to UAE and how long did it stay at the present location?

These are only suggested questions you should ask before buying a puppy. Think, what would you like to know about YOUR dog?

Another rule of thumb is to follow your intuition, if you have a bad feeling about the conditions of the puppy, pet shop or anything else, please just leave. You’ll thank yourself later.

To those with sarcastic remarks about Russian dogs…

I’ve heard enough of comments on Russian dogs to write this paragraph. This is to those of you who still do not appreciate Russian dogs, as well as Russian culture & people.

I lived in USA, visited Canada and was born and brought up in Russia. I’ve seen how people treat dogs in different countries. Russians eat and sleep with their dogs, clean after them & cook for them.

In Russia we do not even know of so called “kennels” & “crates”, which are actually big cages. In Russia dogs do not deliver their pups in kennels or crates, but rather on a soft blanket or pillow, sometimes even in the owners bed or a sofa. When the puppies are born they are not restricted to crates, but are free to roam around the whole house.

Commercial food is not readily available, so Russians cook themselves for their dogs. Most Russian dogs are brought up entirely on natural foods without preservatives and artificial elements. That’s why if you compare an average Russian dog with average American dog, you will admire our dogs. Unfortunately, most people do not have this opportunity of comparing.

Of cause there are commercial money-makers in Russia who keep and treat their dogs purely as a source of more puppies to sell. Thankfully, to this date I have not met such people. The breeders I know are genuine people who enjoy living with their canine campanions, breed them occasionally, take them to dog shows, win some prices. They do not breed their dogs solely for the purpose of winning in dog shows and therefore selling more expensive puppies.

So if you still have your own opinions on dogs from Russia, please rather don't call me at all. Find your own sources to buy your "American/European" puppy that will be suffering for 48-72 hours in different planes prior to arriving to UAE.

Links to Russian Dog Sites

Most of the site listed below are in both languages: Russian & English. However, at the end I've also added some only Russian language sites which have excellent photos & design, so please visit these as well.

Pictures of International dog show "Russia-98" held in Russia.

National Retriever Club - available in both English & Russian

One of the best private kennels "Unigo" situated in my home city.

Pets in the Nets - an excellent Russian site.

About Russian breed called Samoyed.

One of the largest Russian sites about animals - English & Russian versions.

About Dogue de Bordeaux - unfortunately only in Russian.

"A-Dalmatian" Club - member club of Russian Kynological Federation

Club "De Anrit" - unfortunately also only in Russian.

There are lots and lots of excellent Russian sites about dogs, however, it's impossible to mention all of them here. I'll keep adding new sites though, so please check back often.