
A member of the Bichon family, the Havanese are believed to have been taken to Cuba by Mediterranean sea captains. The Havanese were recognized by the United Kennel Club in July 1991. Havanese are now recognized by the American Kennel Club.

The Havanese are a long coated, drop eared breed which are devoted companion dogs. Havanese appear rectangular, in that they are longer than they are tall. A sturdy built dog. They have a quiet and gentle disposition, but do enjoy play sessions. They have a natural love for children. Havanese are affectionate and will alert their owner to strangers. This is a breed that has done well for those that are allergic to dogs.

Height: 8 1/2 - 10 1/2 inches at the withers

Weight: 7 -14 pounds

Color: All colors are acceptable; singularly or in any combination.

Coat type: Soft double coat that should be from wavy to curly

Maintenance: The coat must be combed regularly.

DESCRIPTION                                                         By Schalene J. Dagutis

They are non-shedding and odorless and their soft coat is easy to keep with frequent brushing or combing and periodic bathing. The coat ranges from a slight wave to curly. The color of coats range in shades of white, cream, champagne, gold, chocolate, silver, blue, and black or a combination of these colors.


The Havanese is truly one of the most delightful of the small breeds. They are exceptionally intelligent and quick-witted. Their love of attention comes from their adorable little "show-off" natures. They are curious and busy constantly. They are natural clowns and enjoy interludes of rowdy, madcap play.

The Havanese's expression tells you that they miss nothing going on around them; they love to sit somewhere high -- especially on the back of sofas and chairs. They never let strangers approach unwelcomed. The thrive on human companionship, and are at their best as a participating member of the family. They love children and will play tirelessly with them at any game in which children delight.

If raised near water or exposed to water at an early age, they become powerful swimmers, diving in and out of the water like tiny seals. The Havanese also have a natural herding instinct. In Cuba, they were used to herd the family chickens and geese.


What kind of dog is that? Where did you get a Bichon that wasn't white?

Havanese are part of the Bichon canine family, but are a distinct breed. Havanese come in all colors and combinations of colors.

I've never heard of that breed. Are they recognized by the AKC?

They were admitted to the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1995 and are at present in the miscellaneous class. They will eventually be admitted to the toy class. You can learn more about the Havanese on the AKC Internet site.

Can I get one from the pound or from a pet store?

No. Pure-bred Havanese can only be purchased from breeders. They are a rare breed and the total population in the U.S. is only around 4,000.

Do they shed?

Havanese are non-shedding dogs.

Do they have to be professionally groomed?

No. Although most people prefer to have their Havanese groomed professionally.

How often do they have to be groomed?

Usually every two or three months. However, it is essential to brush their coats two to four times a week. Also, regular eye, ear, and teeth care is required. Nails need to be trimmed every couple of weeks.

Are they good with children?

Havanese are extremely sociable and seem to like almost every one. They are exceptionally good with children even when not raised with children in the house. However, it is a good idea to supervise any situation where dogs and young or unfamiliar children are together.

Are they too small or fragile for a home with children?

No. Actually, Havanese are a very good small breed for families with children. They are a sturdy dog, similar to a small terrier, an d lack none of the terrier's hard stamina. In fact, a Havanese may be a better choice than some of the more fragile small breeds.

What type of activities can I do with a Havanese?

Havanese were bred as companion animals. They love to be a part of the family. As well as conformation showing, several Havanese owners compete with their dogs in obedience and agility trials. Havanese are quick to learn tricks and love showing off to friends and family.

Are they just another "yappy" small dog?

No. They'll alert you when someone is at your dog and to strange noises outside your home. Otherwise, they are quiet. Although, some Havanese are more "vocal" than others.