Health & Medical Info

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Home Health Exams - by Gary Wilkers

Animal Husbandry at Home - by Gary Wilkers

Bottom Line: Pay the Vet - by Gary Wilkers

Health Care Issues - by Cindy Tittle Moore

Fleas and Ticks - by Cindy Tittle Moore

Human Allergies to Pets - by Cindy Tittle Moore

Medical Info FAQ Homepage

Nutrition symposium reveals diet connection to major illnesses

Arthritis - is a pain in the joints

Autoimmune Diseases - immune system failures are a serious threat to your dog's health

Blastomycosis - there could be a fungus...

Bloat - deep-chested dogs are susceptible to gastric torsion; the dreaded "bloat"

Human cancer treatment goes to the dogs - radiation gives dogs a leg up on cancer cure

Canine coughs - a cough is not necessarily a cold

Fleas, flies, ticks, etc. - the critters that live on our critters

Deceiving appearances - what looks like disobedience might be a health problem

Early sterilization surgery - is it a sure-fire way to prevent unwanted litters?

Is it an emergency? - these conditions require immediate attention

Canine feet - healthy canine feet make the goingeasy

A simple first aid kit - basic supplies

Heartworm Disease - an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure

When Ranger has hip dysplasia . . . - here are some things you can do.

Hot spots - hot spots frustrate dogs and owners alike

Nail clipping can be easier - proper training can reduce the stress

The PennHip method of diagnosing hip dysplasia - new x-ray technology for assessing canine hip health

PennHip questions and answers - veterinarians answer PennHip questions

Over-the-counter drugs can poison pets - can jeopardize health and lives.

Taking care of an older dog - age brings changes in pet behavior and health

Rabies - what every dog owner should know about rabies

Signs of canine illness - how to tell if your dog is sick

Spay or neuter surgery - a prescription for better canine health

Canine teeth

Canine thyroid disease can be tough to diagnose - the symptoms can be legion and sometimes contradictory

Vaccination: Shield against canine diseases - questions and answers

Puppy viruses - Distemper and Parovirus can mean big trouble

Canine worms - watch out for worms

Zoonotic diseases - diseases common to animals and humans

Dog and Cat Allergies - by David the Dogman

Car Sickness - by David the Dogman

Cold Noses - FAQ about dog's health