Our Pets

This page will always be under construction,
as number of animals in our house never seem to decrease but rather increase.

To make the long story short, these are my animals:
you can click on the names to see some photos, though I am not a good photographer :-)

I keep two dogs of my own: Rottweiler Jaqueline & Neapolitan Mastiff Delia.

I absolutely adore cats and have adopted many stray and abandoned cats and kittens. I do not buy cats and am against selling them in UAE, as there are so many stray cats living on the streets that are no different then any pedigree ones. As opposed to the dogs, cats share pretty much the same characteristics, as I've noticed, despite their origin. At the moment I have only 12 cats.

I am mostly interested in reptiles and so I have six snakes, which include a pair of Australian Spotted Pythons, a North American Corn snake & King snake, South American Boa Constrictor and a local Sand Boa. I am also fascinated with my veiled chameleons, spiny-tail lizard and a bearded dragon. My reptilian collection concludes with a baby Nile crocodile and a pair of turtles.

I love keeping & studying exotic animals. Unfortunately I can not afford most of the ones available in UAE. However, once in a while I get my hands on some interesting and not so expensive animals. That's how I got my Hedgehog and a pair of Sugar Gliders which I managed to bargain for half a price during shopping festival. I'll just mention that my Sugar Gliders are small marsupials from Australian region and they just had their first baby, a little boy Sugar Glider.

I have only one parrot and he is a male white Umbrella Cockatoo named Caesar. He was a wild caught bird but had tamed down and is VERY loving towards our family.

In addition to that I keep 9 local scorpions of three different species.

That's about it. Did I forget anyone?..