

Pekingese, or “Peke” is lovable, proud, very bold, eccentric & irresistible little “Lion Dog”. Known to be self-assured & strong willed, Pekingese is somewhat mistrustful, although devoted to its family and very attentive.


Not only is the Pekingese one of the oldest breeds in the world (indeed it may be the oldest) but it is the only one, still in flourishing existence, that is a true ‘spirit-dog’, bred as part of the symbolism of a living religion, Buddhism.

There are many myths surrounding the Pekingese, no other breed has myths in its ancestry. A common story is that of a marmoset falling in love with a lion. The result of such marriage was a Pekingese, and while the story is somewhat impossible, it is true that many Pekingese have marmoset traits.

And so started the legend of the Pekingese.

HEIGHT: 6 - 9 inches ( 30.4 - 45cm

WEIGHT: 8 - 10 pounds ( 3.6 - 4.5kg )
Only suitable for indoor living, either in a house or an apartment.
All and any combination of colors are acceptable. Pekingese should be brushed on a daily basis. Facial wrinkles and eyes need special attention and should always be kept clean.


Pekingese are very lovable, not bad tempered like many people had been led to believe. They are happy to please their owners and are suspicious of strangers. They make great watchdogs, barking at any unusual noise, but never barking just to be barking.

Pekes love to romp and play, take long walks, or just sit quietly by your side for hours. They love all the attention they can get, although they are very happy sharing affection to other Pekes. Pekes are hardy little dogs, with the stamina much greater than their size. Most Pekes have very clean habits, and love getting groomed. Most are unhappy if their coats get dirty.

Pekes love to show off, standing up as tall as they can, stretching their paws upward towards you, and speaking for your attention. They use their paws in play a great deal just like kittens.

Pekes walk with a side-to-side rolling gait, trying to distribute its weight evenly on its short legs. They are very fun to watch run or walk towards you. They are extremely beautiful runners, with their long hair waving in the wind. Pekingese are usually very devoted mothers.

F.A.Q.       by Todd Biske

Q. I've heard that Pekingese are loud sleepers?
A. It is very true that Peke SNORE, and SNEEZE. It is because of what man, through the ages, have done to their noses.

Q. Don't Pekingese hate the outside?
A. I haven't noticed, Pekingese can race, even hurdle, they retrieve, swim, and are MORE hardy than many Bigger dogs, walking in ANY weather, snow, rain, mud, and sleet.

Q. I've always been told Pekes are vicious, they will always bite.
A. Obviously from people who NEVER owned or know a pekingese. Pekingese are GREAT watchdogs, they are extremely ALERT, but they do NOT attack people at will, Mine have NEVER even snapped at a stranger,

Q. I heard Pekingese eyes 'POP OUT', or they go blind.
A. Sure Pekingese eye stick out there, But it would take an extremely hard blow to the back of the head to make their eyes pop out. Their eyes do itch them sometimes, and I've never met a blind Peke. But because their eyes are protruding, they are more subject to damage than other breeds with more recessed eyes. Immediate care and careful following of recommended treatment usually clears the problem. Ignoring the problem in early stages can cause the loss of an eye.

Q. People say Pekingese don't live long.
A. This is far from the truth, With proper care, your Pekingese will live 12-15 yrs maybe longer.

Q. Do pekingese get along well with other dogs? Like a pomeranian? How about another pekingese?
A. Each dog may be different, depending on how he/she was raised, MOST will stand they ground with other dogs, Males, more so than females. I've never had any trouble with Pekingese getting alone with Pekingese.

The following information has been compiled after research and reference
to various sources with some additions made by myself based on experience.